Do you consider yourself successful? 

In your business? 

In your income? 

In your relationships? 

How would we answer these questions if we were honest with ourselves? 

As entrepreneurs, we often sacrifice things that are super important in our lives for the idea that once I arrive at ‘x’ figure, or once I get this promotion, or once I get to this place in my business… 

…then I will reach my definition of success.

…and then I can finally show up and have those moments that I’ve been missing.

But then the sense of urgency steals the joy of it, because those moments are slipping away. 

This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I’m talking about leaning into untapped potential and how your brain wires and fires actual success. There is a key difference between those who are living a limitless life (limitless business growth, limitless impact, and limitless relationship satisfaction) and those who constantly feel a cap on their ability to reach new levels.

If you’re feeling capped in one, or all of these departments, I’ve got good news for you: there is a systematic, strategic success system operating in your mind that you might not have connected with yet. 

Ready to access it? Let’s dive in.

The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:


“We’ve been indoctrinated into this outside-in model of success that was broken and it doesn’t work.” 


If you feel tired, or even exhausted, from not hitting your true potential it’s because you’re part of this stop-start-cycle! It’s what I like to call “stressed success”. We start something, go all in on this thing, whatever it is. You start, but then hit a roadblock. And we start searching for someone to give us permission or validation to move past it. [6:31]


“If the lie of ‘work harder, work harder, work harder’ were true, you would already be living a limitless life.”


You’ve worked hard. You’ve committed yourself and sacrificed and still feel far from the finish line. It’s because hard work doesn’t equal success. You have everything in your brain to wire it for success, and it starts with what you think, not what you do. [10:30] 


“Your brain has to see it before you believe it.” 


You cannot get to your true success without slowing down long enough to ask yourself, “What does a limitless life actually look like?” When you think about what your true, God-given potential is, you can picture your life in limitless standards. [18:26]

Are you slowing down long enough to show your mind, and your heart, where it is that you’re going? 

What is that definition of success for you?

Don’t sacrifice all of those important moments to cross a finish line that you didn’t choose for yourself. 

I challenge you today to unpack what that success looks like.

Choose your success.

Choose your path to get there. 

Maintain momentum. 

You are limitless.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready to train your brain to become limitless  (think limitless clients, sales, and impact)... here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:

Download my FREE Epic Morning Routine

In the morning, your brain is at its most receptive. It wakes in a neutral state. Your state of mind impacts your entire day. And my FREE Epic Morning Routine will help you elevate your state of mind to increase your productivity, achievement, and happiness! 

Click here to download the routine that changed my life can be completed in only 30 minutes (though, admittedly I love it so much I take longer to do it), but has lasting effects throughout the entire day.

Jumpstart your 90 Day Goals with the Master Your Momentum Workshop

I've created a 3 part workshop where I teach you how to harness the power of your brain, and the way it is wired, in order to get it working FOR you instead of AGAINST you so you can gain real momentum every single day towards your EPIC VISION!

By the end of this workshop, you will:

Have absolute clarity on what you can (and will) achieve over the next 90 days

Tap into your deepest motivations to create true momentum toward your goals

Master your money mindset and embrace abundance

Create your unique Brain Priming script that enables your brain to create momentum

Have a detailed, step-by-step plan to keep momentum toward your goals every single day

What do you want your business to look like in 90 days?

Finally reach (or exceed) your 90-day goals every single time with the Master Your Momentum Workshop - get started TODAY!

Join my Epic Tribe on Instagram

This is where I freely share some of my best brain-based tips for thinking like a successful entrepreneur, growing your business, and creating unstoppable momentum toward the EPIC vision you have for your life. Check out my stories every day for your daily dose of Brain Fuel!

Today I want to give a shoutout to one of my Epic Success Podcast listeners who left a 5-star review titled “Love This Show”:

“Dr. Shannon is such an inspiration and so knowledgeable about all things business! I love the value she places on faith and the importance of honoring God first and foremost”


I absolutely love sharing the brain-based process of creating success in your life & business with you each week on the Epic Success podcast! Reviews are how I know you’re finding value and help me share Epic Success with more people!

If you have something you want to say about the Epic Success podcast, I’d love it if you’d post a 5-star review on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.