This week our guest is Emily Kady

Emily Kady is a Spiritual Medium and Intuitive Channeler who understands the pressures of overachievement all too well. Despite her many accomplishments, including owning two 7-figure businesses by the age of 37, she found herself suffocating under the weight of others' expectations, as she was just striving to fit in. This led to a devastating burnout, leaving her drained and disillusioned, searching for purpose and fulfillment in life.


In 2015, a near-death experience shook her to the core, awakening her to the preciousness of life, and igniting a fierce desire to uncover her life purpose and live it authentically, free from the confines of others' expectations.

Exchange Quotes:

“Surrendering to who you really are and why you are here may very well change the world.” – Maria Flynn

“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.” – Brené Brown 

Exchange Links:

Emily on FB and IG:




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