In today’s world we spend more time facing a screen than we do facing other people. With the advent of social media, we are constantly bombarded with notifications and text messages drawing our attention back to our screens – computers, tablets, smart phones an even our timepieces have become ways to stay connected. But is this a real authentic connection?

We’ve all experienced feeling lonely in a crowd. You could be surrounded by many others, but if there is no one you can truly rely on, nobody who really KNOWS you, you will feel lonely and isolated.

So, what can we do about it?

Practice Vulnerability: being open and authentic with others Be Intentional: it’s important to make time for those with whom you can be fully yourself Disconnect from Social Media: take some time every day to completely disconnect Get Involved: volunteer, attend a lecture, take a class, follow your passion Share Your Story: when we share our story, we can help others. We can inspire and encourage them, we can even transform them and ourselves

When we take the time to be intentional and make the effort to be real and truly connect with those that mean the most to us, we create stronger bonds. We find those that we can rely on - and those who can rely on us in turn. And we can move away from loneliness and isolation , towards true happiness.

Episode Quotes:

“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty” – Mother Teresa

“The power of storytelling is to free us from isolation, shame and whatever the situation” – Patricia McCormick

Episode References:

John Donne  “No Man is an Island”