EER096: Living, Camping & Hiking in Eastern Europe with Kids

Living in Serbia. Camping in Kosovo. Hiking in Eastern Europe with kids. Hitchhiking, too. Diane Vukovic has lots of experience in all of these, and that's what we'll talk about today. 



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Hiking in Eastern Europe with Kids

Diane moved to Serbia when she was 22 years old. An avid hiker, camper and outdoors lover since childhood, she found many beautiful places to go hiking in Eastern Europe. Her daughter Isabella is now six years old and goes camping with her mom whenever they have the chance. 

They have been hiking and slept under stars in countries like Kosovo, Albania, Romania and other places that are great for camping in Eastern Europe. Hiking in Eastern Europe with kids isn't as common as it is in some parts of the world. And camping in Eastern Europe, she explains, often involves staying in building you reserve in advance. The area's natural beauty, however, is spectacular, and the Slovenian mountain trails are beautiful. 


The Different Styles of Camping in Eastern Europe

Diane explains some of the different forms of camping and hiking in Eastern europe that she comes across. Most locals join hiking and camping clubs. Others do "car camping," where you pitch a tent right next to where you park. When Diane and Isabella go camping in Eastern Europe, they prefer to hike in. By hiking in, they get away from the noise of cars and people and the cit and truly enjoy the natural world. This kind of backpacking and "wild camping" is what they enjoy best.

There are other classiifcations of hiking and camping in Europe that she's come across. Some people classify their style as through hikers and ultralight campers. This is a style of camping in which weight and mobility are key.

While Diane appreciates the passion of thethrough hikers and ultralight campers, the best camping in Eastern Europe she's found is at a slower, more relaxed pace. 

The Joy of Camping in Eastern Europe with Kids

Diane details a typical camping trip and talks about some of the best camping in Eastern Europe she's found so far. Does she come across many others camping and hiking in Eastern Europe with kids? Not often, she says, but one particular camping trip inspired her to start her family camping blog. 

As she describes in the interview, she went hiking with friends and their children. While apprehensive at first, she watched her friend open up and enjoy the experience. The worry for her child's safety in the woods soon turned to joy. They had a great time. After that, Diane knew she needed to write about it more.

What You Need for Hiking & Camping with Kids

A lot of people think you need expensive and specialized gear to go hiking in Eastern Europe or anywhere else. You don't. Diane talks about the hiking boots, clothes and other camping gear they use, but emphasizes that it doesn't have to break the bank to enjoy camping in Eastern Europe. 

There are a few pieces of equipment that are very important, however. If you're planning on hiking in remote areas, a good water filter is crucial, she says. Good boots, too. A well-prepared first aid kit is also recommended, and Diane has a great piece on the kit she pput together. Look for that in the show notes. 

Hitchhiking with Kids

Occasionally Diane and Isabella do some hitchhiking in Eastern Europe, as well. In the West today, hitchhiking is not even considered by many travelers, but you can still find hitchiking in Euope. Diane talks about hitchhiking in Eastern Europe with Isabella and how it has saved them long walks to the entrance to some of the best Slovenia mountain trails and other places to hike in Eastern Europe. 


02:02 Intro & origins 05:21 What's great about living & traveling in Eastern Europe 08:16 The different definitions of camping 10:24 How Dianne & Isabella camp in Eastern Europe 14:59 Outdoor & camping culture in Eastern Europe 20:15 Water filters: Her most important piece of camping gear 23:36 Boots & when to buy them 28:25 Don't need fancy gear 31:55 Backpacking & camping in Eastern Europe with young kids
37:55 Education & self-directed learning while camping with kids 43:58 Hitchhiking with kids 48:20 Tips for hitchhiking 54:34 Working in Serbis and the cost of traveling in Eastern Europe


Names: Dianne Vukovic & her daughter Isabella (now 6) Hold passports from: USA & Serbia  Type of travel: Lives in Serbia — camping, hitchhiking, & hiking in Eastern Europe A few places they've been: Kosovo, Albania, Romania and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Recently in Peru.


Sawyer Mini Water Filter Sleeping pad Cook set (Mess kit) Camping stove (nothing special)


Hitch Wiki Diane's piece about mosquitoes Diane's first aid checklist


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