Would you consider living in a trailer with kids? Jason Calhoun and his wife Danielle asked themselves this question. The answer changed their lives forever.



No the Calhoun family isn't living in a trailer with kids on the edge of town now. They didn't move into a trailer park. Instead, they're living in a travel trailer, and doing that travel trailers do best: travel. They've crossed from America's west coast to east twice so far and are really learning the joys and challenges of living in a trailer with kids.


Living in a travel trailer is not all freedom and high-fives, however. They've had some challenges, and Jason discusses a few of them here. Listen in to hear more about how they handle education, remote working, social life, and everything they've learned from living in a travel trailer with kids.

Listen in! And please share!

IN THIS EPISODE 02:45 Introductions 05:08 The Calhoun's Travel Family Origin story 07:57 Funding travel; the impact of the 4-Hour Workweek 11:24 Working routines 19:24 Selling the kids on the idea of RV travel 23:34 Their approach to education 27:50 Social life when you're moving around 32:31 Resources 39:52 Gear and becoming "accidental minimalists" 42:24 Recommended destinations ABOUT Names: Jason Calhoun, his wife, and their 3 kids (8, 10 & 12) Hold passports from: USA Type of travel: RV travel in America for a year and counting IN THEIR BAGS iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s+ Camera: Canon 5D Mk II Microphones: Zoom and Sennheiser Lavs 3 iPad Minis, 1 iPad Air MacBook Pro Retina LINKS & RESOURCES The 4-Hour Work Week Videopixie Kickstarter The Johnson Space Center in Houston T-Mobile for unlimited data internet Lowell Observatory in Arizona Magnolia Plantation in Charleston, SC FIND THEM ON

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