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One of the most common questions I get from readers of my email list is:  “How do I get high-paying clients?”

This process need not be a mystery.

There is a formula for creating high-paying clients, that gets you out of being at effect of outside forces, and gets you in the driver’s seat. These five steps are ones you can start implementing right away.

Here are five steps you can use to create demand and attract high-paying clients:

STEP 1 - Front-load the crap out of the value your service provides. Find all the ways to provide Effortless Value (listen to episode 201) and build those into your services.STEP 2 - Undercharge relative to the value to the buyer. Make the price an easy win for your client. This is much easier to do when your service is packed with value, because it allows you to float the price up in keeping with the value you added. Of course, make your price profitable for you too.

STEP 3 - Always create demand. Always. Always does not mean sometimes. Or intermittently. Or once in a while. Or when you need a client. Or when you “feel like it,” or “don’t feel like it.” Always means always. You have 4 types of followers: new and existing, ready or not yet ready to buy. Cultivate all four groups by always creating demand.

STEP 4 - Limit supply for your HIGH-VALUE package. The more demand you create, the more limiting supply becomes necessary. And limited supply enables you to select the best clients from your pool of prospects.

STEP 5 - 100% control over 100% results. While you could focus on that which you cannot control, you are better off focusing on that which you can control. Much is within your control. Much more than you realize.

If you're thinking, “Creating demand sounds great. And boy, I could use help with this.” This is what we work on throughout CPA Mastermind. 

We help you niche so you can figure out who you want to provide value to. And we help you build that value out. We create packages so you know what you are selling, and so do your prospects. We price so you understand where your money will come from, how much you need to sell, so your clients know how much the thing they are buying from you costs.

And then we build demand for high value, high-paying clients.

CPA Mastermind is the only program out there of its kind. We're enrolling right now for the fall cohort. Enrollment is open until September 4th. Get in on this round. The next round isn’t until 2023.

If you want high-paying clients and you want to take the mystery out of where they come from, get in on this round. You can go to to enroll.

Episode mentions:

201 Effortless Value

CLICK HERE: To learn more and register for Down to 40 Hours CPA Mastermind