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Today’s guest is Erica Goode, a Certified Public Accountant with 12+ years of experience in Big 4 public accounting, Fortune 50 finance, and small business accounting. She has a passion for creating cashflow forecasts and long-range plans that enable small business owners to think more strategically given solid financials. 

I wanted to have Erica on the podcast to do an on-air coaching call because I know that she struggles with a lot of the same struggles as so many other listeners. 

Today we're going to talk about low value and high value work, and where fulfillment fits in.

The story that Erica told about not having anybody to look to, that there are no role models around her, and the idea that her boss said to her, “You need to be the one to light the way for the others behind you” really struck a chord for me. 

Many of you, many of us have very few, if any, people to look to for how to do it. We don't see women who look like us who have done it before us. There have been though, women who have been lighting the path in their own way before us. And I hope this conversation helps you build your own path and light the way for the younger woman who follows behind you.


Connect with Erica:

Email: [email protected]


Download ebook “6 Simple Steps to Double Your Revenue”


Work with Geraldine:

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Strategy Session

1:1 Coaching


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