We sat down with Aaron Cox and Scott Sallinen from Greymass, one of the strongest infrastructure-focused block producer teams in the EOS community. They are known to many users for their eos-voter desktop wallet, but they also do a ton of behind-the-scenes work on core infrastructure for the network. It's work that often goes unnoticed, but it is absolutely critical for the healthy functioning of both the EOS blockchain and the dApps built on top of it.

Recently, many people have begun talking about the size of EOS's full history API nodes and the storage requirements for these nodes. We discussed this issue in our most recent newsletter, but we wanted to speak with experts on the subject. Team Greymass knows these issues better than almost anyone, and we dove into the top in-depth. We also covered a number of other interesting topics, including: 

Scott and Aaron's background in Steem and other DPOS chains 
The infamous Whiteblock report on EOS 
Academia and the blockchain industry 
The issues around full history API nodes on EOS 
Consensus nodes vs. history nodes 
Why full history nodes matter 
The importance of having API standards 
Storage requirements for derived history 
The reasons why full history is so large 
CPU vs. NET on EOS and how each contribute to storage requirements 
Full history API access as a BP service vs. a paid service 
How APIs affect the decentralization of dApps  
Greymass's Light History solution 
Other solutions on the horizon 
New tools and products Greymass is working on 


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eos-voter wallet

Light History Node explainer 

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