Previous Episode: The Scatter Interview

We were joined by David Packham, Head of Strategy at EOS42, a London-based block producer. David also leads Chintai, a token-leasing platform built on EOS. Our conversation touched on a number of topics around Chintai 2.0, infrastructure, security, community building, dApp development, and governance. David formerly worked as a banker and developer before falling down the crypto rabbit hole and eventually finding EOS. Other topics covered include: 

David's background
How EOS can deliver on the promises of Ethereum
Chintai 2.0 as a leasing platform for all sorts of tokens 
Chintai 2.0 timeline
Legal challenges around token sales
NFTs and the new possibilities they open up for gaming
New leasing models and blockchain-native markets 
EOS Governance
Block producer decision-making through 15/21 msig
The EOS Constitution and the EOS User Agreement 
EOS referendum
Predictions on the future direction of EOS
What's next for Chintai and EOS42 in 2019



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