
In this episode, Dave invites Philip McKernan, an inspirational speaker and coach for individuals, couples and entrepreneurs to the EO Podcast. Listen as he talks about finding true meaning in life, becoming authentic, and discerning between happiness and buying material things for distraction.

Time Stamped Show Notes:

00:28 – Dave introduces Philip McKernan 01:22 – Rich on Paper, Poor on Life 01:26 – Dead Man Walking: A Journey from Mindset to Soulset 02:54 – Workplace culture 07:05 – Three Pillars of Happiness or Finding Meaning: Work Self Other 08:13 – They (employees) want to know that they matter. 08:40 – Stop telling people what you believe, start showing them by the way you act 08:52 – Everyone around you will get inspired by what you do, not by what words are coming out of your mouth 09:28 – Working with individuals and couples 11:06 – They’re scared to find out perhaps that the relationship is not as great as they’ve been telling themselves every single day 11:29 – Our benchmark for what great is, is what we historically experienced in business, in life, and in relationships. 12:24 – Creating conversations they don’t want to have, they don’t know how to have, or they don’t think they should have 13:17 – Philip doesn’t believe in the phrase, “Fake it ‘til you make it” 14:09 – We are all leaders if we choose to be; We just lead in different ways 16:15 – We spend so much time trying to pretend –trying to be something that we are not –assuming and hoping it will take us where we want to be 16:25 – In that process (pretending) we lose ourselves, we lose our identity and we dilute the essence of who we are. 17:05 – Retreats 18:51 – Wisdom doesn’t lie 19:47 – Why Philip left Ireland 20:15 – Tall Poppy Syndrome 21:17 – The Ireland that I knew was starting to get diluted. 21:22 – Everybody was chaotically chasing the money on the assumption that it would bring them the happiness 21:28 – There’s no problem pursuing financial wealth but not at the cost of all the other elements of our lives 22:00 – It is very difficult to find the authenticity of who you really are 22:48 – The work that you do should never define who you are as an individual 23:19 – Philip’s transition from real estate to where he is now 23:40 – Authenticity is something that should never be self-proclaimed 26:20 – Time is not our greatest asset 26:36 – The greatest asset of people is themselves 27:40 – As the leader grows, so should their leadership style 28:00 – Allowing the work to catch up on you 28:22 – In the absence of clarity, take action 29:59 – Helping people find what they’re meant to do I didn’t find what I was meant to do… I uncovered it. Is it possible to uncover it 31:55 – What’s the point of coming to work on something you don’t believe in? 33:25 – Have I taken the time out of my life to ensure that I’m on the right path? 35:15 – The magic question of a salesman – How so? 35:40 – Money Can’t Buy Me Happiness but it Can Buy Me a Boat - Chris Johanson 36:25 – Relationship between material things and happiness 38:05 – Buying material things for a distraction because you’re not willing to face the real issue 39:04 – Details on the Dead Man Walking: A Journey from Mindset to Soulset 40:34 – Goal setting is not the enemy; The problem is the goals we are setting aren’t aligned to who we are 41:50 – If you are not being authentic, then the goals you think you wanted are actually, potentially partly or entirely are not authentic 43:52 – Let go of this overwhelming need to set goals and allow our goals to find us 44:00 – When you’re too busy chasing something, you miss out on something else 47:35 – Entrepreneur’s intuition 49:49 – Dealing with negativity 51:50 – When you understand the negative patterns, the origin of negativity, the origin of the fear, the next time it strikes will not be as deep –it loosens its grip on you 52:52 – Almost got killed by an elephant in Nigeria 55:05 – We don’t want the world to judge us 55:40 – Raising children

3 Key Points:

Stop telling people what to believe, start showing them by action The greatest asset of any man or woman has is themselves. When you’re chasing something obsessively, you’re missing something else.

Resources Mentioned:

Entrepreneur's Organization – The EO Network Rich on Paper, Poor on Life– book written by Philip Dead Man Walking: A Journey from Mindset to Soulset – book written by Philip Money Can’t Buy Me Happiness but it Can Buy Me a Boat – song mentioned by Dave by Chris Johanson


Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives