We´re Live. Chuck starts the conversation about some emails that he had with some producers and involves John in the process, there was some type of complaint of how John is writing his emails, looks like he´s not giving much information away, chuck wanted feedback from the guys on this.

Chuck asks some advice to Josh about a problem that he´s been having with deliverability to his subscribers there was a serious issue that he should have at least send an email to tech support (Wich he didn’t) because almost half of his subscribers were not receiving anything, had to reorganize everything and in the process lost quite a pack of subscribers.

This is a really important topic for the guys, most of the business they conduct rely a lot on this email lists, all of the content and interaction goes through here , if this not taken care of, could be a game changer for the bad on any of the entrepreneurship they are doing, these are big numbers, so there´s lots of software that helps the guys with this.

Thoughts of the week

“IT doesn’t matter if your business is small or big, deliverability to your audience must impeccable”