We’re live.  John talks but the trying to cancel the Pennsylvania tax form. John talks about trying to fill out a cancelation form for Pennsylvania taxes.  John mentions that Bulldog Mindset is ready as far as logos and website. Mani asks about the load time on the website. Mani suggests a website speedup process.

Chuck talks about moving his podcast website to a type of static HTML type sites. Mani talks about how Wordpress is always coming out with stuff and how is Chuck going to keep up with it. Chuck explains how this is important as far as maintaining it and having his assistant upkeep it. Chuck continues with the reasons how this will help his workflow in the long run as far as poll requests and updates by listeners.

Chuck talks about how his main focus is working with selling sponsorships. Chuck mentions selling out of January and some February spots. John suggests having a salesperson sell ad space and what percentage is he willing to pay for selling spots. John talks about closers who sell spots. Chuck talks about how he searches for sponsors and closes at 50-60% closing rate.  Josh suggests ways they automate some of the work.  Chuck talks more about email marketing.

Mani asks about everyone productivity. John says he was traveling, Josh said he was in meetings, and everyone was still doing the Pomodoro. Mani talks about how he met a girl who was able to grow her business with Facebook Ads and paid traffic. Mani talks about organic scale versus paid scale.

Josh shares about some marketing project he had been working on this past week. Josh talks about funnels using video or video views. Mani asks about cost per click and various kinds of analytics. Josh about bot traffic and avoiding bot traffic using facebook traffic. Josh talks about creating evergreen webinars and automation. John says webinars are a fad, and the funnels should be profitable without the webinar.  Mani and John talk about the profitable funnels with heavy opinions.  John talks about the Coding Bootcamp funnel and the baseline of the funnel should be profitable in order to know the webinar is working as well.

Mani talks about his group mastermind project plan and coaching as some possible next step for other ways to generate revenue. Josh talks about the difficulties of low ticket versus high ticket offerings. Mani talks about projects he has help people become more profitable. John compares these decisions to pay the cost of the phone. Manis asks if John is going to removing pricing from the email. John says he does not even advertise his coaching.

John talks about filling the pipelines of business as far as screening. Mani says he would like to gain another 5 clients. John suggests effective ways to find these new clients. John suggests ways to get to talk about money with the new incoming clients, allowing ways to filter those who can afford coaching. John talks about ways to talk about affordability on coaching. EntreProgrammer talk about ways Mani can implement a coaching or mastermind business. Chuck talks about masterminds he joined in the past and how he now only like coaching.

Mani asks about the end result of the mastermind or coaching. John says it is about helping those overcome problems they have. Chuck talks about other coaching programs he is apart of as ways to give Mani ideas. Mani talks about the credentials of his current coach and processes in the engagement. John talks about shares visions and affinity with theses coaching as examples for Mani.  More talks about ways Mani can start this coaching business.

Thought for the Week

Josh - High-bandwidth

Mani - Don’t wait to plan for the new year.

Chuck - Priorities don’t exist. It is one priority at a time.