
We’re live. Josh ask if Mani was standing at his desk. Josh says he has runner knee. Mani and Josh talk about standing and actively standing and working.  John talks about the intensity of running and being on a call at a treadmill. More talks about exercise and working at the same time. Mani talks about listening a being at a stationary bike.


Mani talks about draw.ioand automation work. John talks about the work they are doing a the blogging course. More talk about up selling on products. John talks about milking the sale of a of product. EntreProgrammer talk about marketing strategies on up sales.


John talks about converting your audience and gaining sales. Mani and Josh talks about the percentages and sales on cart values. John talks about the opinion on up sales on course.  More talks about strategically pricing a product and up selling later on.


Mani talks about selling a product without discounts. Josh says with will no work. Josh says the time limit and scarcity make the sale. John says you have to have scarcity to sell the product. Josh says you will get clicks but not sales without discounts and scarcity. Josh talk about when people will become a customer.


Josh talks about working on ways to not have to keep on doing the up sales. Josh says you can take the up sales to the bank. EntreProgrammer continue to talk about the Meditation Course as an up sales in Mani’s sales cart.


Mani jumping into talking about membership and how it changing the game. John talks about kicking ass this week and waking up 6 am and hitting the Pomodoros. John talks about doing the Bull Dog Mindset  and logo design. John talks about the quiz for the Bull Dog Mindset.


Mani talks about how John should do a live video on YouTube once a month. John talks about charging 5 dollars a month for the membership. John talks about hopping on a coaching call and making 1500 dollars for one hour. John talks about how he only want to make a live stream for just the members. John talks about his content syndication plan.


John talks about recording  audio for The Stop Being Lazy book. Mani ask about the book sales. John give to numbers on sales and revenue.  John think he is making 5 sales a day. John talks about doing the audio and adding more content because it was not written by him. Josh talks about doing the audio first then the book can be written. Mani talks about how Gary V. and others ad lib the book.


John talks about hiring a cheap audio editor for the book. Entreprogrammer talk about reading an audiobook and doing a great job. Mani talks about natural sounding reading and emphasis in audiobook. More talk about audio books and professional readers vs. authors reading the book.


John talks about the subscribers for the Bulldog Mindset emails. John talks about the clicks on the Mental Toughness emails.  John shares his email for the Bulldog Mindset coaching. John says he has 57 opens and several clicks. John talks about only having 5 slots.


Josh talks out wrapping up the course and workflow with Jason. Josh talk about doing a membership push with John help with creating a video for the offers. Josh says he is not changing the offer. Mani jokes about firing John if he does not move the needle forward on the business. Some talk about WordPress generated passwords.


Josh talks about making a mistake with custom field and APIs. John talks about after this month they are going to do themed months and content. Josh talks about doing a split test with emails with half with Johns name on it. Josh talks about doing a membership enrollment with increase price if John’s name brings in more people.


EntreProgrammer talk about doing a Getting Over Your Fears course. Josh and Mani discuss which course might do better with sales. EntreProgrammer discuss which topic will do better, Metal Toughness or Getting Over Your Fears. Mani talks about a keyword research on controlling emotions vs. controlling anger.


More talk on keyword research. John talks about how these keywords fit into how the audience is looking to change. EntreProgrammer research the top hitting keyword to further their reach on course topics. EntreProgrammer make jokes about keyword for drunk driving.

Thoughts for the week!

John - Don't underestimate hard work

Josh - Don’t drive drunk

Mani - Cutting off work at a certain time.