
We’re Live! John is back from vacation. Chuck sporting his Javascript Jabber wear. Mani comments on the cooler weather coming soon. Josh jokes about the small weather changes in San Diego. Chuck continues the talks about the 69 and below weather in CA. Josh talks about the -15 degree weather in Pennsylvania. 


Josh talks about the bulge at the bottom of his computer and it needing a battery change. Josh talks about the features of his new MacBook, and how he doesn’t like it. Josh can’t wait for his old computer to get back. More tech talk about computers and John having issues with playing back YouTube videos. Josh talks about double dongle commercial. 


John talks about getting back to work and just interviewed James Clear. John mentions getting his slides done for FinCon. John talks about his strategies and his talk for the event. 


John and Josh talk about their SEO and other lists of things they need to do for Simple Programmer and John’s side projects.  Mani asks if they have an editor. Josh talks about working with their outsource content editor. Josh mentions that the title and backlinks are most important for them. More talk about content creation and things that work now and the types of content that does not bring traffic anymore. 


Josh ask if anyone wants to write a blog post about interview questions. John and Josh talks more about questions and content for their site. Mani ask more about their editors fees and time it takes. More talk about link backs. Mani mentions a membership site transition. 


John mentions reading Blue Ocean Strategy. John continues to describe the courses and subscriptions models of businesses. More on what a Blues Ocean business is about. Josh talks about building the business like ax PluralSight. Josh thinks that a podcast is what the business needs.  Josh talks about their subscriber numbers and the direction he would like to take his podcast. 


John suggest that Chuck take care of the podcast production for Josh. John suggest the podcasts run under Chucks network and they can share sponsorship. Mani talks about a blogger he really enjoys to follow. Mani talks about the problem with the celebrity businesses or business models. Josh says he like what he does right now, but would like to do the same thing and have the business grow.


Josh mention Zigziglar’s business model. Josh thinks this will be a good experiment since there are a lot of things starting up. John talks about the presence that he might have in the Simple Programmer business. Mani ask why would they Josh and John would want to redo the business model, but only with Josh in the seat. Chuck gives his ideas with what Josh could do in place of running Simple Programmer. 


Mani says Simple Programmer says that Simple Programmer is the Kingmaker as a business model. John says you have to business brand first. John talks about being exposed to the brand at different times. John continues with the introduction to point of sale. Josh talks about the sellability. Josh continues with the time people enter into the business or engage with the content. 


Chuck gives his view on what Simple Programmer is without the help of John’s celebrity. Josh talks about how they have had thing fail when they hand it off. Josh talk about running a business similar to Udemy. Josh talks about help Jason out with the course creation for their community. Josh talks about what he learn with building out the community and coursed and then replacing the hosts. 


Chuck talks about reading the book “The One Thing.” The pertains to the podcast production software PodWrench and working on the network. Chuck talks about moving to Google Calendar, away from Schedule Once. Chuck explain how they are using the calendar for appointments. John suggest moving to his process with Assistiant.2, a chrome plugin. 


Chuck talks more about scheduling appointments and stuff within the podcast recording process. Chuck talks about the Show Runner material for running the podcast without him. Chuck mentions that a few of his sponsors wanted live ads. So in October Chuck is moving to live ad reads in the podcasts shows. 


John suggests some automated features for ads reads and show notes material. Josh says there are podcast services that offer a full service for podcasting, but if Chuck had software it would be a game changer. Josh continues with disrupting the market with podcast production software. 


Chuck talks more about getting people on the show in an automated fashion. John talks about what Richard Branson with with T-Mobile as an example. Chuck talks about just solving his own problem. Chuck mentions that they are two show he would like to do as podcast shows, and step away from hosting most of the shows. 


Chuck talks more about podcast production with authors or technically savvy guests. Mani mentions a podcast call Optimize Daily.  Josh talks about using podcast as a conversion for memberships rather than a traffic generator. Josh talks about his ideas with Copy Chief. 


The EntreProgrammers discuss podcasting and marketing tactics for memberships and courses. More talks about podcasts tailoring for membership. John talks about Tropical MBA podcasts and how it drives membership. Chuck talks about John coming in periodically on the podcasts and writing posts for the membership. 


Mani talks about BiggerPockets Podcast and their business model. 

Thoughts for the Week! 

Josh - Pruning 

John - Variation is the enemy of progress 

Chuck -  Focus on the things that matter

Mani - Don’t build a personality business