
John talks about his 12 hour trip to Rome. John talks about starting a podcast call Mic Check. John mentions visiting only 3 countries this summer. John says he is glad there are more EntreProgrammers, because he can now sleep during the show.


Chuck mentions going to Podcast Movement 2018 and talks about the events that took place during the conference and the best take aways of the conference. Chuck talks about the new tracking research he learned about from the conference. Also some ideas on how to pull tracking numbers form 3rd party services. Chuck talks about talking to Self Publishing School for a book. Chuck talk about doing so videos for subscribers


Mani ask about downloads verse subscribers on the podcasts. Chuck talks about creating book for React, JavaScript, Python, etc., and explain the concepts in the book for newbies. Chuck talks about he idea to do consistent production launches and create a continuous incoming. 


Chuck talks about talking to he audience. Mani thinks Chuck could sale the product, or a pre sale, before he makes the videos. Mani talks about transparency in the product sales and testing. Mani talks about selling his course before he makes or create the content. Mani talks more about testing before selling to the public. 


Mani says to get over to subconscious fear of selling. Chuck talks about opening sponsor spots on his podcasts where he could talks about his product. Mani talks about how to use lead magnets to evaluate what people want. Chuck asks about what is in Rome for John. John says he is going on a cruise later in the week. 


Mani ask about the Podia , a course software company, affiliate promotion. Josh thinks it was a disaster or did not go well for them. Josh talks about the emails he wrote  to the 86k people an no conversions and no sales on day one. Josh mention that subscription software is not reality their thing, but courses are key for them. 


EntreProgrammers talks about selling 2X4s to build a hypothetical house in the entrepreneur world. Josh gives his thought a bit early. EntreProgarmmer talk about making course about how to create courses. 


Josh talks about doing a test launch for another client selling more courses. Josh talks more about the courses he will be working on in August and some idea he has for the community. Mani talks about marketing strategies of other entrepreneurs and how they increase conversions and sales. 


John talks about paying for coaching to push you ahead on a full-time job before becoming an entrepreneur. John says it depends on on the kind of coaching you do.  Mani mentions that he is working on video upsets scripts. Mani talks about he recent affiliate launch. Rc

Thoughts for the Week! 

John - The key to figuring out where you fuck up now, it in the past

Chuck - Get out of your comfort zone

Josh - It either I good Idea, or a good story

Mani - Shrink the scope, keep the discipline