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The Entreprogrammers Episode 15 Tracking Conversions

John accuses Derick of being an amateur broadcaster. Josh
spins off into analysis of his Tweeter advertising campaign with detailed ups
and downs of his past week.

Derick’s week reveals pandemonium in the data base at as he quickly jumps to its rescue after causing Signalleaf to
crash, but the show still goes on at Signalleaf and turns out to be a gaining
knowledge experience for Derick.

And Signalleaf remains strong because of Derick’s programming
expertise. Read Derick’s blog about ugly advertising works; he proves it in an
isolated case study – good stuff.

The discussion turns to converting traffic with respect
to Josh’s marketing experiments; Josh faces a challenging dilemma in that he is
generating a great deal of traffic to his web sites.

But he doesn’t know enough about these people to
understand why – with the impressive traffic – these people are showing such
small conversion percentage rates.

The 3 pound on this subject to determine solutions –
something the Entreprogrammers are quite good at. They demonstrate how research
is extremely important in determining market strategy.