Hello and welcome to the show!  Today’s guest is Diogène Ntirandekura, and he is here to talk about his voyage into consulting. I’m really glad to have him on the show today because in the online business world that we live in, we throw the phrases coach and consultant around kind of interchangeably.  And it is possible to do both, but I think understanding the distinction is really helpful to make us more informed consumers and business owners.

I’ll be honest – talking with Diogène really made me think about things I could be doing far more efficiently in my own business and sadly or hilariously – depending on how you look at it – I admitted right on the show some things that I know I could be doing better!  I guess that’s sort of bound to happen when you sit down a chat with friendly consultants, but MOVING SWIFTLY away from my shortcomings, here is what we talk about specifically:

Diogène’s own journey into entrepreneurship – and the one common mistake he made when he startedHis multi-continental approach to both education and businessHow Impostor Syndrome reared its ugly head and kept him playing small for too many yearsHow he knew when to hire a coach, and how that got him out of his 9-5 in just 4-5 months, which seems really fast to me but he didn’t seem to think so!The one question you need to ask yourself to set the foundation for your business journeyHow a sweaty post-run selfie video in Brazil helped him re-think his business approach (and why he will never do a video like that again)The two big things you need to consider if you’re going to break into consultingThe advice that he would give himself if he had to do it all over again

I really learned a lot in this episode, so I invite you to think about the key foundations Diogène talks about and how they can apply to make more sense in your business and saving yourself some headaches.  Yes, we all love a little more efficiency, don’t we… 

More about Diogène: 

Book a free chat with Diogène

Check out his Consulting Lifestyle podcast

Send him a note

His, book – Exceller dans le service à la clientele avec SAP CS (French)

…and his consulting page!

Connect with him on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook and search ‘Consulting Lifestyle’ to find him on YouTube.

Official bio:

Diogène Ntirandekura is an ERP and CRM consultant who helps businesses to run their operations and systems more efficiently to improve their bottom line. He is born and raised in Belgium, has roots in Burundi and now live in Canada. He has worked on SAP software implementations with businesses from different industries such as pharmaceuticals, oil & gas, utilities, public sector, high tech, etc. Diogène practices his consulting work since 13 years and is now independent since 2017. Having worked mostly with big companies, Diogène wants to bring his expertise towards helping small and medium businesses all around the world. Diogène has a French-speaking book on one the SAP customer service module in January 2020. He creates regular content on Linkedin and is also the host of the "Consulting Lifestyle" podcast in which he interviews B2B consultants with unconventional stories. His motto is "Live full, die empty."

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