Cauveé is a fulfillment coach known as the Inspiration Engineer®.  Giving entrepreneurs a BOOST!☕️ in energy, confidence and the courage to take MASSIVE action towards their purpose.  Using the power strategy, music, & edutainment.

Cauveé gave recently gave a TedX talk called the Rise of the Inspiration Engineers®, he’s featured in the Huffington Post as a strategist to watch, is published in Thrive Global, Influencive and Referral Rock, he’s spoken at University of Delaware, Cal. State University, has spoken for YMCA, Toastmasters and many more!

His very first student broke six figures and became #1 northeast division representative at Zillow.

Cauveé coaches and consults on operation efficiency, project management and optimization, marketing and sales, corporate & personal brand strategy, resilience, gratitude, and leadership & culture.

Cauveé has been exemplifying success since his sellout concert of 1,209 people at age 18.  If you’re looking to walk in purpose and find fulfillment Cauveé is your man and as he says, let’s BOOST!☕️

General Contact & Social Media Info

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