Michael Levitt is the CEO and founder of Breakfast Leadership, Inc (BreakfastLeadership.com), who works with individuals to reduce stress and prevent burnout, so that they can focus on what REALLY matters most.  Breakfast Leadership trains leaders of all walks of life how to design and properly structure their work days, so you will accomplish more, by doing less.

Michael is also a Certified NLP/CBT Therapist through Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, the Book Author of “369 Days: How To Survive A Year of Worst-Case Scenarios” and keynote speaker.

But prior to his successes, Michael lost his health, his job, his car, and his home all in 369 days, and he now teaches people how that happened to him, so that they can make the crucial changes in their lives to prevent those losses from happening to them.

Discover What's Inside The BossCast Academy: http://bit.ly/bosscast-podcast

Key Takeaways:

- Going Through a heart attack, retrenchment, home foreclosure all within a year

- Burnout & Why It Happens

- Healthy Boundaries & Protecting Your Time

- The Myth of Not Having Enough Time

- Michael’s principles around prioritising areas of your life (themes of each day)

- Drive, Success & How It Makes You Prone To Burnout

- Blocking Out Time in Your Calendar To Rest

- Being Conscious of Your Energy Levels

- Peers, People Around You, Mentors

- Determining What Led Up To The Burnout

- Is Burnout A Good Thing?

- Huge Warning When Things Stop Becoming Enjoyable

- What Is The State of Burnout? (5 Signs of Burnout)

- Building Resilience For Burnout

- Pull vs Push Motivation