Heather Monahan is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, entrepreneur and founder of Boss In Heels. Having successfully climbed the corporate ladder for nearly 20 years, Heather Monahan is one of the few women to break the glass ceiling and claim her spot in the C-suite.

As a Chief Revenue Officer in Media, Heather Monahan is a Glass Ceiling Award winner, named one of the most Influential Women in Radio in 2017 and Thrive Global named her a Limit Breaking Female Founder in 2018.

Based in Miami, Heather’s new book Confidence Creator shot to #1 on Amazon’s Business Biographies and Business Motivation lists the first week it debuted on Amazon.

Heather is a confidence expert and is currently working with Fortune 500 companies and professional sports to develop confidence in the workplace and on the court. She’s also a member of Florida International University’s Advisory Council to further serve as a mentor and leader in the South Florida Community. Heather’s new show, Creating Confidence, debuted on the Top 200 shows on Apple podcast.

Heather’s work has been featured in USA Today, CNN, Forbes, Fast Company, TEDx and Business News Daily. Most recently, she added Guest Professor at Harvard to her list of accomplishments.

Discover What's Inside The BossCast Academy: http://bit.ly/bosscast-podcast

Key Takeaways:

- How Heather found herself in entrepreneurship after being fired from her job

- How being vulnerable turned into countless opportunities

- How to ask for help, when to ask, stepping into shame, and champion that fear

- Feeling like a fraud and its relationship to growth

- Tuning out self-limiting beliefs and tuning into our talents, passions and purpose

- Self-awareness and not apologizing for saying “No”

- Going through the process and trusting it along the way

- Focus and not quitting as the one key to her success

- Top 2 things you need to remember to grow 10X in the next 10 years

- Journaling to prove to yourself you can overcome your fears

- Fire Villains from your life