Previous Episode: The Business Model
Next Episode: What happens if I fail?

For the 5th episode, we wanted to take a break from the technicalities, the buzzwords, and talk about the human aspect of entrepreneurship, about What Does It Take To Be An Entrepreneur. Something I personally feel is overlooked.

I hear many many times other people saying “ah working for yourself, you are your own boss and it’s so great that you can make your own decisions and have this type of lifestyle!” They see the glamorous side of entrepreneurship but definitely not the full picture: the sleepless nights, the doubts, the numerous pitch decks and never-ending planning.

The idea of this episode is obviously to demystify certain conceptions that some may have that entrepreneurship is all glam & rosy, but it's definitely not to paint a black canva out of it either. Let’s be honest, entrepreneurship is HARD but super fun. But if you are not a self-starter, not a risk taker and a bit crazy in your mind, well give it a long thought before jumping in.

Enjoy this 5th episode! Take a moment to subscribe, to leave us 5 stars on the app you're using and put some comments. We appreciate you listen to us!