In the fourth and last episode of our mini-series dedicated to the theme of Online Marketing for Entrepreneurs, we focus on the theme of Web!

If you have followed our podcast over the past three weeks, you know that we have covered the topics of Branding, Content, and Digital. All of them play a vital role in the success of a brand’s online marketing strategy.

Web + Conversion

As a starting point, Winley suggests that first you should check what is wrong with your website. Understand where you are lagging and fix the weak spots. Is your website or app mobile-friendly? Does it load rapidly? Does your contact form actually work?

Here are some suggested tools to help you diagnose the health of your website and take corrective actions:

GT Metrics
Google Search Console

Be mobile-first and show empathy.

We are living in a mobile first era, so ensure that your website or app is a 100% mobile friendly.

We touched the theme of Call to Action (CTA). Call to actions that shows empathy to the process the user is currently in has shown to drive more user engagements that the usual “Buy Now” rhetoric. “You need to show that you want to assist before trying to sell”  — Winley. 

Tune in to the podcast to hear more in-depth insights from our digital marketing expert, Winley Vellin, who for these past weeks have been distilling actionable insights into how to take your Online Marketing to the next level.