Are you born an entrepreneur, can we learn entrepreneurship or are we made entrepreneurs? To answer this question, we welcome a young professional who is in charge of the student venture project at the African Leadership University in Mauritius. Coming from a liberal art and alternative education background, nothing predestined Lucy Scott to be in charge of developing the entrepreneurial spirit and knowledge of students at ALU.

This podcast is all about Lucy’s story, before, during (and after…) her tenure at ALU. Lucy goes over her learning experience of building Student Ventures at ALU, her challenges of being part of an ecosystem of startups and why entrepreneurship leadership is so important in today’s world.

ALU has been founded by Fred Swaniker and watching his TED talk, titled The leaders who ruined Africa, and the generation who can fix it, will give you a wonderful idea about why leadership is core and center to ALU. "In Africa, more than anywhere else in the world, the difference that just one good leader can make is much greater than anywhere else," Fred Swaniker. 

But before you click on the link above, enjoy Lucy’s interview about leadership education and why entrepreneurship education matters!