The image above shows Proximity Designs staff developing new products. This episode is part of a podcast series called “Entrepreneurs & Economic Development” talking to entrepreneurs using business and technology to solve problems at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Listen to the interview by clicking play above.         Subscribe with iTunes for iPhone or Stitcher for […]

The post Design that changes Lives – Proximity Designs – Ep 009 appeared first on Fetterly Consulting.


The image above shows Proximity Designs staff developing new products.

This episode is part of a podcast series called “Entrepreneurs & Economic Development” talking to entrepreneurs using business and technology to solve problems at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Listen to the interview by clicking play above. 


Subscribe with iTunes for iPhone or Stitcher for Android.

Today’s Guest

Jim Taylor, the Co-Founder and Chief Executive (CEO) of Proximity Designs a Burmese company that designs and distributes products to increase earning potential and improve livelihoods for the worlds poorest.

You will learn:

How a job in Mississippi started Jim’s international social venture career
The History of Proximity Designs
How agriculture pumps and livestock loans can change lives
Developing an international corporate culture in an Emerging Market
Managing distribution and regional staff in a rapidly changing Burma
Fun Question: Jim’s favourite vacation destination in Burma

Great Quotes

[bctt tweet=”You exist to serve a customer @ProximityDesign #Tech4Dev”]

[bctt tweet=”Myanmar is experiencing an uncorking of potential @ProximityDesign #SocEnt”]

[bctt tweet=”The difference between a company and an NGO: After-sales service #Impact “]

Treadle Pump

Mentioned :

Treadle Pump Wiki page
Stanford d.School
Fast Company Article on Proximity Designs
Josh Pierce – Off.Grid:Electric
Greenlight Planet

Contact Jim or Proximity Designs:

Twitter: @ProximityDesign
Jim’s LinkedIn
Proximity Designs’ Website 

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If you have any questions for Ryan, Jim or recommendations for future interviews please place them in the comments section. 

The post Design that changes Lives – Proximity Designs – Ep 009 appeared first on Fetterly Consulting.


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