The image above shows a town meeting with Dazin’s product the “Fuel Cookie” lower centre. This episode is part of a podcast series called “Entrepreneurs & Economic Development” talking to entrepreneurs using business and technology to solve problems at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Listen to the interview by clicking play above.         Subscribe with […]

The post A solution to open fire cooking – Dazin – Ep016 appeared first on Fetterly Consulting.


The image above shows a town meeting with Dazin’s product the “Fuel Cookie” lower centre.

This episode is part of a podcast series called “Entrepreneurs & Economic Development” talking to entrepreneurs using business and technology to solve problems at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Listen to the interview by clicking play above. 


Subscribe with iTunes for iPhone or Stitcher for Android.

Today’s Guest – Deepak Ashwani, Dazin

Deepak Ashwani, CEO and Founder of Dazin an organization looking to solve the issue of open cooking fires in Bhutan. Deepak goes into how a combination of travels in his native India and a masters degree in Europe combined to provide the inspiration to form Dazin.

You will learn:

Cooking has 2 essential elements, the stove and the fuel. Dazin focus’s on the fuel portion.
All 8 original Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were affected by open fire cooking
3 Billion people are using open fire cooking, many still use the “Three stone method”
Most Efficient BOP Stoves: Gasifier stoves, they are even smokeless!
How Deepak selected Bhutan? If his model could work in mountains, it could work anywhere!
Their product, the fuel cookie is made of densified wood waste. This makes it both affordable and sustainable.
Their Business Model: Rural households bring biomass and receive fuel cookies for a % of the mass collected, urban households buy pellets at nearby shops.

One of my favourite points raised in the episode was about expansion. Customers approaching Dazin and asking “When are you starting in our village?” Definitely the mark of a product in demand!

Great Quotes

[bctt tweet=”If you want to challenge yourself and learn a lot, get outside your comfort zone – @DazinBhutan”]

[bctt tweet=”Smoke Inhalation is killing 8 people per minute – @DazinBhutan”]

[bctt tweet=”Fun Fact Bhutan is one of the highest wood fuel consumers per capita globally – @DazinBhutan”]

[bctt tweet=”Bhutanese law states 60% of land should be covered by forest – @DazinBhutan #eco “]

Mentioned :

Eric Reynolds, Inyenyeri 
Burn Manufacturing
First Energy – Oorja
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Emerging Cooking Solutions Zambia 

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The post A solution to open fire cooking – Dazin – Ep016 appeared first on Fetterly Consulting.


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