Dmitriy has been a committed social impact entrepreneur since the start. At age 22 he co-founded a digital marketing agency focused on serving social impact businesses. At 25 he co-founded Maverick NEXT, a mastermind group for impact-driven entrepreneurs, age 25 and under, who had already built 6 or 7 figure business.

These two ventures are part of his plan to lead an ecosystem of social impact companies doing a billion dollars in revenue by the time he turns 35.

Dmitriy was already aligned with his mission and purpose before experiencing ayahuasca which is why he was surprised and humbled by what ayahuasca taught him about his true mission and purpose.

Now 28, it’s been two years since his first experience with ayahuasca in Peru, and I want to find out what impact it has had on his master plan.

A deeply vulnerable interview, we both have a few butterflies in our stomach at the thought of sharing aspects of our lives that are so close to our hearts publicly.  Perhaps the most unique topic is something I had never considered doing. Dmitriy teaches me how to use love as a guiding principle for making business decisions. He also shares how ayahuasca taught him how to resolve the inner conflict between his commitment to living a life of purpose and desire for exceptional wealth.

Which has me wonder, does he still want to be a billionaire by age 35?

Let’s find out.