I’m really excited to start chatting with our guest for coffee today, but before I do, I wanted to share something awesome with you. I just put together two ebooks that I’m pretty freaking pumped about.  The first is the 10 free resources that I used to bootstrap my business.  A lot of times when you start a business, especially when you have a family like I do, you don’t have extra money to buy all of the cool tools you see online.  You know you need a mailing list, and a way to get opt-ins and all of that, but that costs money, right? Wrong.  Then the problem becomes that if you google ‘free podcast tools’ or ‘free blogging tools’ you’re going to get a bajillion links to total freaking garbage.

So I wanted to put together something for you to save you some time.  You can grab that at brendanhufford.com/free

The second ebook is a really cool technique that I learned from Jairek Robbins, who is the son of Tony Robbins, called Emotional Stacking. I’m know for taking massive action in my business and this show is even called ‘the action show’ but even I have problems doing the difficult tasks and when I run into those types of roadblocks, this is what I use to get out of them and it works EVERY time.


I’ll go into all the details in a future episode of how it works, but it’s there for you for free also at brendanhufford.com/free.