Tom Matzen is an international best-selling author and seminar presenter. He has been interviewed by Success Mag, Inc. Mag, Entrepreneur, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and 100’s of radio & TV Stations across North America. Tom leads an emerging global enterprise with a mission to transform the world by empowering entrepreneurs to embrace the new norm in business – that of doing good and making money at the same time.

Listen in as he talks about:

Why embracing failure is essential to your success… and how to pick yourself up and move on Why testing and measuring your goals is crucial to your business growth How business is all about managing chaos and frustration… and how you can do this Why an active meditation process can help you to ground yourself for greatness Why inner wisdom is required to turn your business around Outsourcing is one of the best secret weapons for entrepreneurs to generate quality leads Why the most valuable asset is time… not money



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Nina x