Melinda Coss created the largest handmade soap company in the UK before selling it in 2004 and moving to France. Melinda now runs business training and mentoring programs internationally for new business entrepreneurs, from conceptualizing an idea to major international distribution. She is the bestselling author of 27 internationally published books on crafts including three dedicated to soap-making.

Listen in as she talks about:

Why confidence and courage are the keys to successful entrepreneurship Why Focus is crucial to turn your business idea into something that works How moving out of your comfort zone will help you grow more The importance of being incredibly honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses How supported team members also play a vital role in your business success Why opening up your mind to new ideas can help you improve your business model The Key to going for it and taking huge leaps of faith along the way Her no. 1 Mindset Tip to creating a winning inner game to enjoying a successful business



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Nina x