Nicole is a media strategist and coach who specialize in podcast hosting as well as podcast guesting. Originally a corrections officer, Nicole ventured into the world of podcasting just a few years ago with absolutely zero street cred. No one knew her. In just a few months of podcasting she made the Apple New and Noteworthy Podcast list and stayed there for over 2 years. She’s featured on popular podcasts and was listed as one of Entrepreneur’s top 48 podcasts.

Listen in as she shares:

A technique to grow your audience (and get clients) that few are using. Are you? Why podcasts are better than summits The podcasting mindset trap that keeps you stuck in your business How to connect to a network of influencers in a way that is second nature to you A mindset shift that will keep you from taking any kind of rejection personally The exact “come-from” that will make podcast hosts want you on their show Why getting on podcasts is NOT a numbers game and what you must do instead to be welcomed on a show Why it’s not a good idea to fake it till you make it as a podcast guest The telltale sign that you’re ready to be a podcast guest, and what to do if you’re not How top level leaders are just like you – this makes it easy for you to approach them When to (and not to) approach top level hosts to be on their show How to be sure others will see your value An effective (and fun) first step to ease into podcasting if you’re not completely ready The essential ‘Why’ that makes you appealing to influential podcast hosts

You’ll be surprised to know the many things people do wrong when trying to get on a podcast. Find out what will get an instant rejection or even cause you to be completely ignored. Discover how to get the Yes instead:

Smash Your Income Glass Ceiling To Attract More Clients And Money… without doing more marketing! Click here for Free Video Training 

Nina x