It’s a bold claim to state that the production quality of this podcast is so good, but when Jared says it we all listen. It’s no wonder he keeps showing up to do more Unscripted episodes. So we’re back with Unscripted 5 (new name coming soon…maybe? Maybe not?). This fifth Unscripted episode titled, “The Production ... Read more

The post Unscripted 5 | “The Production Quality of This Podcast Is So Good” appeared first on KazSource.

It’s a bold claim to state that the production quality of this podcast is so good, but when Jared says it we all listen. It’s no wonder he keeps showing up to do more Unscripted episodes. So we’re back with Unscripted 5 (new name coming soon…maybe? Maybe not?). This fifth Unscripted episode titled, “The Production Quality of This Podcast Is So Good” hits on way more than podcast production–I promise! I mean, this episode gets into Jared’s love language for crying out loud (spoiler alert–one of his love languages is words of affirmation). But are we sure he even knows what his love language is if he didn’t actually read the book or did he read it and he just doesn’t want to admit it? All good questions.

We get into the new movie Top Gun: Maverick and many aspects of the movie old and new, actor and director and of course the music score–be sure to check out the Top Gun video below. And while you’re down there you have to watch “Husbands of Target”. So yeah, this episode touches on a lot (that’s a giveaway by the way if you’ve made it this far). Just wait for the hysterical laughter in this episode to see what I mean.

Alright, enough already. Just listen to this episode. “It’s really interesting.” It’s good, it’s really good.

Unscripted 5 Topics| The Production Quality of This Podcast Is So Good

– Facebook Live & LinkedIn Live

LinkedIn page invitations | just stop!

The 5 Love Languages

Behavior types

Benefits of podcasting

– Labor force issues | lifeguard shortage

Soda or pop or Coke

Top Gun: Maverick

– The future of health care, urgent care, health insurance

Desean Watson case update

Amazon die-in, Netflix CEO statement, Elon Musk says to come back to the office or depart

Current Affairs article on why Crypto should “die in a fire”

“That’s interesting”

Production and sound quality of a podcast matters


Looking to create content or get into podcasting? Let’s chat about it.

More about “Unscripted”

Podcasting, iterating, …wait. Let’s take a step back first…

A conversation as defined by Google: a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.

That’s this podcast episode. That’s this podcast series. While Entrepreneur Perspectives is always a conversation, this takes it another step–think freestyle, raw, no filter…unscripted. Yeah, that’s it. Unscripted: said or delivered without a prepared script; impromptu (google).

Eric Kasimov is joined in the studio by Jared Nichols. Jared has been a frequent guest on this podcast–and for good reason. He is one of the reason’s this podcast exists in the first place. We like to think of Jared as someone who speaks his mind, offers insights, and allows ideas to take action. That type of thinking in a nutshell helped spawn the idea for Entrepreneur Perspectives. And now this series, “Unscripted”.


Websites you should totally check out:

KazSource, Inc
KazCM, ContentMatterz | content brings people together
SportsEpreneur | the place where sports, entrepreneurship, and mental health collide

More unscripted conversations to check out:

Unscripted | Podcasting, Iterating, Joe Rogan, Josh Allen, Cleveland Browns, CLT
Unscripted 2 | Narratives + Spotify, Trust, Media, Chipotle
Unscripted 3 | Triggers + Youth Sports, ROI, Streaming, Content
Unscripted 4 | We Don’t Have It All Figured Out

Meet you on social media:

Jared Nichols: LinkedIn
Eric Kasimov: TwitterLinkedIn

That’s a wrap:

Thank you for listening to this Entrepreneur Perspectives podcast episode titled, “Unscripted 5 | The Production Quality of This Podcast Is So Good”.
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This podcast episode of Entrepreneur Perspectives exists because of the content production brand, KazCM | Check it out. Why? Because content brings people together!
Intro Music, “Here for the Win” provided by Songwriter Jess

The post Unscripted 5 | “The Production Quality of This Podcast Is So Good” appeared first on KazSource.

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