In this episode of Entrepreneur Perspectives, we dive into the world of risk, survival, and the art of embracing uncertainty with Alexander Concepcion. Alexander, an entrepreneur with a keen eye for the unpredictable, shares his journey and insights into what truly matters. He is currently focused on three key endeavors: new book, now available on ... Read more

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In this episode of Entrepreneur Perspectives, we dive into the world of risk, survival, and the art of embracing uncertainty with Alexander Concepcion. Alexander, an entrepreneur with a keen eye for the unpredictable, shares his journey and insights into what truly matters. He is currently focused on three key endeavors:

new book, now available on Amazon: Survival First: The Rebel Entrepreneur’s Guide to Risk, Riches and Immortality
innovative apartment locating company: Taco Street Locating
apartment locating online course: Apartment Locating Mastery

Alexander Concepcion highlights the profound beauty in the ordinary and the enriching experiences from romancing uncertainty. Alexander’s new book, “Survival First: The Rebel Entrepreneur’s Guide to Risk, Riches and Immortality,” is now available on Amazon.

Topics for “Recognizing the Drama in the Ordinary with Alexander Concepcion”:

“Recognizing the drama in the ordinary” challenges us to look deeper into familiar scenes, such as the artistic and historical depths of a place like Florence, Italy, or even our own backyards. Alexander encourages exploring beyond the surface to uncover the rich narratives woven into places like Renaissance paintings and historic architecture. This approach reveals the extraordinary stories hidden within the ordinary, enhancing our experiences by connecting us deeply with the essence of these locales.
Alexander discusses “uncertainty exposure,” highlighting the value of facing the unknown. This willingness to encounter the unpredictable is not about risk management but about opening oneself to the potential for growth and unexpected success.
“Romancing the uncertainty” is more than a strategy; it’s a mindset. Alexander suggests engaging with the unpredictable aspects of life with a sense of adventure and optimism, viewing each challenge as a chapter in a larger, more compelling story.
Survival as the Foundation: Alexander starts with the premise that survival is paramount. Without it, aspects like marketing, operations, and company culture lose significance. He stresses the importance of addressing risk first to ensure survival.
Alexander talks about his book Survival First, which focuses on the risks and survival of small entrepreneurs. He shares his motivations behind writing the book and the introspective journey it took him on.
Taco Street Locating: Alexander looks into his entrepreneurial venture, Taco Street Locating, explaining how he navigated the real estate landscape by leveraging opportunities amidst uncertainty.
Other lines and words from Alexander worth pondering: “Marinate and evolve.” | “Maybe you shouldn’t try to grow/scale your business.” | “I wonder how many famous niche-specific influencers are secretly sick of their niche.” | “Time and Space.”

About Alexander Concepcion:

Alexander Concepcion’s background is as diverse as his approach to entrepreneurship. From experimenting with different career paths to ultimately founding Taco Street Locating, Alexander has continually sought out the unknown, finding lessons and opportunities in the most unexpected places. His journey exemplifies the power of listening to one’s inner voice and courageously stepping into new territories.

To learn more about Alexander’s insights and experiences, read his book Survival First and explore the Taco St. Locating website for a unique perspective on apartment hunting in Texas. | LinkedIn | Instagram

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Music, “Here for the Win” provided by Songwriter Jess
“EP170 | Recognizing the Drama in the Ordinary with Alexander Concepcion” was produced by the team at KazCM

The post EP170 | Recognizing the Drama in the Ordinary with Alexander Concepcion appeared first on KazSource.

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