Speak in Your Authentic Voice and Illuminate Your Super Power:
We all know that entrepreneurs are cut from an unusual cloth, but how do you harness your eccentricities for a more profitable business? For in-demand public speaker, podcast host, and author of "LITTLE ME, BIG BUSINESS: How to Grow Your Small Business, Increase Your Profits and Go Global (in Your Pajamas)", Nadia Finer, the key to success was found by embracing her authentic voice – literally. Fearing that no one would take her seriously due to a uniquely youthful tone, Nadia avoided the limelight, and her business suffered as a result. Today, Nadia has built a brand around her unconventional sound, and encourages others to let their true-self shine. Hear Nadia’s tips on overcoming self-doubt, scaling a business without burning out, and intelligently pricing your goods and services.

• [00:00:00] Lack of Confidence Holding You Back?
• [00:06:18] Overcome Doubt, Embrace Your Quirk
• [00:11:31] Never Judge a Book by Its Cover
• [00:18:21] Selling Results Instead of Time
• [00:27:38] Ditch Boring Marketing Materials
• [00:33:22] Boxing Lessons for Business