Hi everyone! Thanks for tuning-in today for a new episode of Entrepreneur Mindset-Reset.

In today’s episode, I am honored to speak with the distinguished and insightful Dr. Yishai Barkhodari, psychologist, adaptability coach and host of the Business Couch with Dr. Yishai podcast. 

He shares how to harness adaptability as our super power, and that we have two brains: our habit brain, and our automatic brain. I love his analogy about flexing both biceps and triceps at the same time, and how some people might have developed that skill, but it is likely going to break a bone for most of us. Dr. Yishai teaches us that we can use our emotions as a system to provide data, direction and drive, rather than something to avoid or stuff down; and that data can help us get things done. 

You won’t want to miss when he talks about overwhelm and stress. It’s so interesting - and it helps us take the pressure off of the fear of stress, our emotions and feeling overwhelmed. 

Dr. Yishai’s insightful coaching is changing the face of the corporate world, supporting people in being happier in their jobs, and building stronger, adaptive teams. Check out his podcast, The Business Couch with Dr. Yishai, to hear more of his insights, and to hear how he draws out connections with his guests. You can listen to my interview with him as well, and the moment when he helps me have a major “a-ha!”. 

So, grab a beverage or a snack and settle-in to listen to Dr. Yishai and his amazing journey.

Dr. Yishai’s Bio:

Dr. Yishai’s experience, expertise, and training as a psychologist give him singular insight into adaptability and the human elements of business and leadership. Leveraging his deep psychological training and experience, Dr. Yishai helps entrepreneurs and business leaders learn to make adaptability their superpower to transform challenges and exhaustion into energy, excitement, and excellence for themselves and their businesses.

What if you could learn to effortlessly sense what is incoming and adapt rapidly?

Dr. Yishai loves speaking-live and on virtual stages alike-sharing and applying his passion for adaptability-hacking to understand and harness the psychology, neuroscience, and uniquely adaptive systems that allow humans to survive and thrive.

Dr. Yishai's talks create awe-inspiring paradigm shifts in mindset while providing engaging stories, scientific grounding, simple frameworks, and tactical tools to increase your ability to adapt in virtually any situation.

Find Dr. Yishai:

Website: www.DrYishai.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dryishai/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dryishai/

The Business Couch with Dr. Yishai Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-business-couch-with-dr-yishai/id1527434437