Welcome to another episode of Thriving Practice. Today we’re diving into the heart of dentistry, both as a profession and a passion. Our expert guest Kirk Teachout helps us understand the nuanced theme of setting boundaries and managing challenging relationships in the close-knit fabric of a dental practice. Mastering this is one of the main keys to building a 7 figure dental practice while not working more.

Here are the key points we covered:

The Boundary Blueprint - Our episode kicks off by examining why establishing clear boundaries is crucial in a dental practice, particularly in a tight-knit community. We discuss strategies for defining and maintaining these boundaries for the well-being of your staff, your patients, and yourself.
Reputation and Relationships - Kirk touches on the intricate dance between maintaining a positive reputation and confronting difficult individuals. How does one balance the need for a good community standing with the imperative to stand up for the practice’s values? 
Selective Patient Policy - We highlight the concept of aligning patient selection with the core values of the practice. What does this look like in practice, and how can it contribute to a healthier, more harmonious work environment?
Growth Through Discomfort - Embracing discomfort is not often talked about, but it’s essential for personal and professional development. We explore how facing difficult situations can lead to growth, and why it’s a valuable skill to cultivate in any practice.
Conclusion and Reflections - We wrap up the episode by reflecting on the overarching message: the importance of boundaries, courage, and growth in the world of dentistry.

You don’t need to be a dentist to gain wisdom from this episode. Learn to empower yourself by getting clear about your ideal vision, patients, practice and team.

Kirk’s Bio:

Kirk Teachout is a business coach, serial entrepreneur, and bestselling author. With the launch of his latest venture, "The Seven Figure Dentist" program through IV Quarter Coaching, he now unlocks secrets of dental practice management. His diverse experience across multiple industries has armed him with invaluable insights and tactics that ensure personal and professional growth. Teachout aims to empower other dental practice owners to realize similar successes. His four pillars—culture, team, systems, and schedule—are the secrets to successfully scaling dental practices without burning out.

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