In this solo episode, host Tracy Cherpeski gets candid about the importance of healthcare entrepreneurs safeguarding their own mental and emotional well-being in order to show up fully for their patients, lead their teams effectively, and build sustainable, profitable practices.

As Tracy shares, the common entrepreneurial struggles of burnout, overwhelm, and lacking work-life balance are amplified in the healthcare space due to the highly emotional and demanding nature of patient care. However, doing the inner work of personal development, self-care, and healing isn't just vital for the practice owner's health - it allows them to bring more empathy, presence and impact to every patient interaction.

Tracy explores the truth that "healed people heal people" and why incorporating complementary, mindfulness-based modalities like energy work, sound healing, and breathwork into the practice can be incredibly beneficial on multiple levels:

For Patients:

- Creates a relaxing, sensory-based experience to counteract "white coat syndrome"

- Enhances receptivity to primary treatment protocols 

- Provides holistic, integrative offerings that many patients are seeking

For Practice Owners: 

- Additional revenue stream from offering complementary services

- Immersing in these practices provides nervous system regulation 

- Deepens capacity for grounded presence during patient interactions

- Supports longevity and resilience by preventing burnout

The episode closes with a call to action for practice owners to book a consultation call with Tracy to explore certifying in an integrative modality, adding practitioners to their staff, or developing an overall strategy for prioritizing mental/emotional self-care. As Tracy emphasizes, investing in your inner wellbeing is the greatest gift you can give your patients and your business's success.

Episode Summary:

- The importance of healthcare entrepreneurs caring for their mental health

- How practice owners' personal healing impacts patient care 

- The benefits of offering integrative, mindfulness-based services

- Generating an additional revenue stream through complementary modalities

- Using breathwork, energy work, etc. for practice owners' self-care

- Call to action to book a consultation call on this topic

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