We are re-broadcasting a Season 2 favorite. We chose Merry's interview because of her passion, commitment, and purpose. Merry shares form the heart and instills a sense of hope...

In today’s episode, I feel so fortunate to be speaking with a childhood friend who I’ve reconnected with through the magic of social media, the resilient and very determined, Merry McCallum, Director at Touchstone Crystal by Swarovski.

Merry shares her journey from her dream job of being a music teacher, to needing to give up her teaching career to be home with, and support, her son with autism. Merry’s story reminds us that when we let go of what we hoped was to be and accept what is, everything shifts in life. Her lessons in starting and running a home business while managing the care of her son with  his therapies and activities, seem to cross back and forth between learning how to support her son and learning how to run a successful home business while growing a team. 

Merry’s tips for success are deep and supportive, but I have to tell you, my biggest take-away from our conversation was how she rediscovered herself through making difficult choices in her life, and ultimately built a business to support her family and son, and the lifestyle he needs. How her sparkle and smile came back, and how she started having fun again are truly remarkable, encouraging and inspirational. She drops wisdom the entire way through our conversation, and I am certain you’ll enjoy listening to her wonderful story.

So, grab a beverage or a snack and settle-in to listen to Merry and her amazing journey.

Merry’s Bio:

Merry McCallum has been in the amazing industry of direct sales for the past13 yrs, and is currently a leader at Touchstone Crystal by Swarovski. She has 10 yrs of leadership experience in mentoring, coaching and investing in those who want to grow their own business. 

As a mother of a child with autism, Merry chose her son first, and let go of her teaching career, so that she could shift into acceptance of this new world of autism and do all that she could for her child. Merry's son motivated her to start her own business just to keep the medical bills paid, but through the Direct Sales industry and self-development, Merry learned how to reclaim who she was before her son's diagnosis, and that it is healthy for herself and for her son, to not allow difficult life circumstances to define what a person is truly capable of. Merry believes in being a life-long learner in every circumstance, serving clients from the heart and that each person she meets has something amazing to learn from. Two phrases that fuel her are "Why not, who says you can't?" and "Everyone has something valuable to learn from." 

Email: [email protected] 

Facebook: Merry’s Sparkle Like A VIP

Website: Touchstone Crystal