Hi everyone! Thanks for tuning-in today for a new episode of Entrepreneur Mindset-Reset. I am so glad you’re here today, and really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our conversations. I just love doing this podcast, sharing these amazing humans’ stories, and, very selfishly, getting to spend that sacred time with our guests. It lights me up from the inside-out. 

Before diving-in and sharing about today’s amazing guest, I’d like to take a few moments to share a couple of reviews with you and a little about some magic I’m making in my corner of the world. 

The first review comes from realnakedagent and they say, “Love it! Five stars. It’s real and raw. A great place to learn!” Thank you, realnakedagent; I really appreciate it, and love hearing that our conversations are resonating with you.

Our next review comes from The Mackie M, and they say, “Truth Bombs Everywhere. Five stars. I’ve binged on 3 episodes so far, and I can’t wait to hear more! So far, the guests have been diverse in their fields (which I like) and inspiring in how they’re approaching their business. Tracy’s conversational interviewing style brings out tons of ‘ah-ha’ moments in each episode.” Thank you, The Mackie M, for sharing your thoughts and feedback. I have also really enjoyed the wide variety of entrepreneurs who have shared their wisdom and experience with us. Every interview is exciting and interesting, and I always walk away having learned something and feeling so energized.

Podcast reviews are what help entrepreneurs like you find us and experience the wealth of information, support, business expertise and mindset tips our guests share. Please make sure you leave us a review to help fellow entrepreneurs find us. You never know how many lives you may touch by taking a few moments to share your thoughts and feedback. 

And one final thing I wanted to share with you today is that I am making some shifts and adjustments to my business, and am now offering a 5 week Roundtable on how to master time leadership. This Roundtable is geared toward Physicians and Practitioners in private practice who are struggling with overwhelm from the day-to-day business tasks, and want to get back to doing what they do best: serving their patients with the highest level of care and attention. If you are ready to learn how to buy-back one day per week and increase your earning and professional potential, while still growing your practice and revenues, then you will want to learn more about this Roundtable. You can click on the link in the show notes to learn more, or you can schedule a consultation with me to see if this is a good fit for you. To learn about either of these opportunities, go to tracycherpeski.com/medical-practices to schedule your consultation. All links are in the show notes. 

Thank you in advance for writing a review and sharing upcoming opportunities to work with us with your esteemed colleagues and network. We appreciate you. 

Now on to today’s episode! Today, I am speaking with the resilient and resourceful Karen Rae of Fave Lifestyles.com.

Karen shares her journey through five major life changes and challenges, and how she started Fave Lifestyles as a lifestyle brand and community for women to amplify their expertise. She launched in January 2019 with live events and a web show, and within the first month, had 30 members. Viewership of the web show has already grown to 750,000 views per month! 

Karen has shown how resilient and resourceful she is over and over, first by creating this incredible platform for women; by learning how to pivot her business model to adjust for the pandemic health crisis; and expand her business offerings based on the needs and requests of the Fave Lifestyles community. 

Listen to how she talks about capitalizing on the gigantic search engine that is, of all things, Pinterest, and how she has continued to learn and grow as a human and as a successful business woman. Her tips for success really touched my soul, especially her first tip: YOU are the wow-factor! 

I love Karen’s “business with a twist” approach to her visionary platform; it’s refreshing, real, and supports women in shining their lights brightly. I am certain you’ll enjoy our conversation as much as I did. 

So, grab a beverage or a snack and settle-in to listen to Karen and her amazing journey.

Schedule a Consultation with Tracy, or Learn About Time Leadership Roundtable for Physicians and Practitioners in Private Practice: www.tracycherpeski.com/medical-practices 

Karen’s Bio:

Karen Rae, Founder of Fave Lifestyles, experienced over five major life changes at the same time; divorce, empty nest, menopause, downsizing, re-entering the workforce and living on her own for the first time in her life. Faced with feeling invisible and having to redefine her life, Karen founded Fave Lifestyles.com, a lifestyle brand, and community for women to amplify their expertise to the community seeking the resources to create their Fave life. Fave is a place for women in business to shine! 

Since its inception, Fave has grown and evolved to meet the needs of its members. Our newest addition is the Fave Biz Society for ambitious entrepreneurial women who are 40+.  Most successful entrepreneurs credit their focus to community and accountability and our new membership targets an accountability program to keep you consistent, a team of experts to help you move your business forward and a community to celebrate your wins! 

Find Karen:

Email: [email protected]  

Website: www.favelifestyles.com

5 Easy Steps to Amplify Your Expertise a Free downloadable for you! https://www.subscribepage.com/amplifysocial

Schedule a Consultation with Tracy, or Learn About Time Leadership Roundtable for Physicians and Practitioners in Private Practice: www.tracycherpeski.com/medical-practices