Hi everyone! Thanks for tuning-in today for a new episode of Entrepreneur Mindset-Reset.

In today’s episode, I’m really excited to be speaking with the incomparable Onajite Clarke, the MummiBlogger and Badass Transformative Coach. 

Ona’s story of becoming an entrepreneur out of necessity is one that many can relate to, and how she built her blogging platform for social justice and sharing the stories of every day women is certainly inspirational. In addition to following her passion, she’s learned how to monetize her platforms and continue to be of service, which is a nod to her previous career. 

Ona reminds us that when we tap into our passion, we will see the fruits of our labor. Her insights and wisdom from experience, and from following her passion, getting very curious, and learning to pitch sales from a place of passion has helped her create and build relationships that are lucrative and lasting. 

Her generous spirit shines through our entire conversation, so it’s no surprise that she shared 4 success tips with us:

Walk in vision and purpose, no matter what it looks like.
Don’t worry about being an expert. Experience makes expertise. 
Your mindset needs to be one of continual process. Get honest and brutal with yourself.
Invest in yourself. Go find your tribe; find where you you want to be.

Ona’s business is new, but she’s wise beyond her business years for sure, and I cannot wait to see where she takes her business in the coming year. Go check out her website at the themummiblogger.com and find her on social media where she’s regularly dropping wisdom and inspiration. I now invite you to grab a beverage or a snack and settle-in to listen to Ona and her amazing journey.

Onajite’s Bio:

Traumatic and or toxic people, situations, circumstances and environments over sustained periods of time impact our mind, body and soul. Our bodies natural response is to protect us from these experiences that it recognises are harmful to us.

Examples include things like



Mental blocking

Internising traumatic experiences by minimising its impact 

Fight of Flight Responses

It can also means that sometimes you don't know you have unhealed trauma until you are triggered by something seemingly unrelated or similar to what you have experienced previously.

Trauma is not just the standard sexual, physical and psychological abuse, its far more complex and nuanced than this.

I prefer to add to this definition by saying that trauma can be anything that you did not get to become who you were meant to be... 

So can you have experienced trauma and not suffered the above.. ABSOLUTELY

The key here is that the situation and or circumstances affected you negatively.

Unhealed Trauma manifests itself in different ways both internally ( stress, higher levels of cortisol, illness) and externally (via our behaviours, either consciously or subconsciously) and so its important to be aware of our internal dialogue and how we speak to ourselves.

Why does this matter?

Great question..

It matters because when clients work with me they have told themselves things like their negative mindset, beliefs or fear are isolated but here are examples of how these behaviours can present in our lives and in my coaching

1. Feelings of inadequacy

2 Fear of failure

3. Perfectionism

4. Lack of organisation

5. Procrastination

7. Poor motivation

8. Poor money mindset and financial literacy

My philosophy is centered around treating all individual as ' Experts By Experience' meaning most individuals know subconsciously what their problems are and where they emanate from and need support and encouragement to accept, understand, forgive and then move forward. These moments usually occur as a break through and allows clients to walk in their vision and purpose for their life.

If your interesting in learning through the process of failure as they are good teachers and learn how to dissolve whats getting in the way..nows the time🙌 my friend and begin to love your life..

Connect to find out more❤

Find Ona:

Website: http://themummiblogger.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebadass_transformativecoach/ 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/onajite-clarke-33406711b/