Living with courage and vulnerability with Yoky Yu.

Hi everyone! Thanks for tuning-in for a new episode of Entrepreneur Mindset-Reset. Today I’m speaking with the brave and insightful Yoky Yu, a personal friend and remarkable human who is supporting people in becoming the best version of themselves through coaching and psycho drama therapy.

If you’re curious why I say Yoky is brave, you’ll hear early in our conversation that she grew up in China, moved to the US to attend university in Virginia at the age of 17, worked at Xerox for a few years, then moved to California to study acting, then back to China to pursue life coaching…and then, on to Spain to get her masters, and now a second masters, in drama and psycho drama. 

We dive into how the culture she grew up in impacted her wellbeing, and how that inspired her to branch out and live her life with courage and vulnerability as much as possible, ditching the pressure to be a “good girl” by being quiet, compliant and staying small. You’ll hear that Yoky does anything but play small.

We go pretty deep in our conversation about culture and how some mentalities and mindsets are more universal than we might think. 

Yoky reminds us that we all have issues, likely from as far back as childhood, and that we have the power to change how we feel and how we show up in this world. 

She shares some helpful tips:

Don’t judge negative thoughts when they come up
Talk with a friend, your partner, or a professional when you’re feeling down or anxious
Don’t try to hide; energy gets stuck
Write or journal to get your thoughts out of your head

Check out her novel, “The Permission” published on Amazon. It’s a steamy and raw novel about personal growth and sexuality. I just love how unabashedly open and natural Yoky is about sexuality, being our best selves, and giving ourselves permission to really step up and in to the best version of ourselves.  

Yoky is full of wisdom and insights, and I can’t wait to hear what you think of our conversation. So, grab a beverage or a snack and settle-in to listen to Yoky and her amazing journey.

Yoky’s Bio:

Yoky Yu is a healer, life coach, artist and writer. She creates one woman shows, behavior art, and other expressive arts. After having received her master’s degree in Acting from Institute of the Arts Barcelona, she is currently receiving psychodrama therapy training at University of Barcelona.

As a coach and professional facilitator,  she thrives to empower people with authentic self-expression and personal development. 

As a healer, she practices Reiki, Tibetan Singing Bowl sound healing, and Shamanism. 

Healing, diversity and inclusion, and gender issues are the center of her work, which is rooted in spontaneity and compassion. 

Find Yoky:


Novel: “The Permission”