Join Tracy for another solo episode to learn how to valuate, or appraise, your time. Tracy reviews her 3 pillar system of Time Leadership, with a deep-dive into Pillar 2: Analysis. 

Pillar 1: Discovery. 

Pillar 2: Analysis.

Pillar 3: (Inspired) Action.

Tracy walks you through how to track your time for two weeks, categorize how you’ve spent your time, and place value on each task you perform.

You’ll take your data (how you’ve spent the last two weeks) and categorize all 15 minute intervals into 6 categories:

Tasks that only you can do (i.e. patient care that relies on your expertise)
Tasks that you’re doing that someone else on your staff could (or should!) do (i.e., additional charting, transcription, scheduling, administrative tasks, even if you can do them or can do them “faster” than your team)
Tasks you ought to be doing, but don’t have time to do
Tasks you’d love to do, but aren’t currently doing for the same lack of time  
Things you think about
Things you worry about

You’ll assign monetary value to each of your categories, and hold onto your hat, because you might be a little shocked…but fear not, data is your friend, and this information will help you make your plan to structure your time differently going forward. 

Resources Mentioned:

FREE Masterclass

EP 38: Why Time Management Doesn’t Work

Harvard Business School Article

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