Welcome to Episode 98. Tracy is sharing about the myth of work-life balance, and how you can start to look at it differently, starting with your mindset around what “balance” means.

Learn the difference between work-life balance and work-life integration, and hear how Tracy teaches her clients to embrace the metaphor of harmony rather than balance or equilibrium.

Think about your favorite soothing music. It’s got beautiful harmonies and it works. If one of the instruments or singers is out of tune, it creates a kind of friction that’s hard to listen to, especially if it lasts through the whole song or an entire symphony. The same is true in life. 

Tracy walks you through the five steps of the cycle of work-life balance, and references a study by Harvard Business Review. 

The five steps of the cycle of work-life balance (harmony):

Pause and denormalize
Pay attention to your emotions
Consider your alternatives
Implement changes

Tracy shares client stories and the methods she teaches clients to create their own framework and system to create work-life harmony on their terms.

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Resources & References:

The myth of ‘work-life balance’ is a generational illusion (Fortune)

Work-Life Balance Is a Cycle, Not an Achievement (Harvard Business Review)

Importance of a Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance – Managing the interface between family and working life

Work-Life Balance (Mental Health America)

Work-Life Integration vs. Work-Life Balance (US Chamber of Commerce)


Tracy Cherpeski is the President and CEO of Tracy Cherpeski International, a coaching and consulting firm that helps healthcare practice owners and their teams grow their practices while protecting their most precious assets: their time and energy.

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