Thanks for tuning-in today for a new episode of Thriving Practice. In today’s episode, I’m speaking with Justin Maxwell of Big Life Financial. 

Our conversation covered a lot, with a strong focus on how to reduce the financial stressors that you will likely experience along the way in your career. I recommend you take notes and reach out to Justin if you’re curious about paying down student loans or learning more about how to take charge of your wealth.

If you’re in healthcare, you likely have student loans. So, you’ll want to listen closely to what Justin says about paying off your loans, and how you might be able to capitalize on the tax code that can help you bring your payment down substantially to zero, or nearly to zero. 

His parting wisdom is:

Don’t let the tax tail wag the dog and dictate your financial life. There’s a better way to do this.

Learning how to get your hard-earned money to work for you is something we hear about a lot, and this conversation with Justin highlights several ways to make that happen. 


Justin Maxwell is a tax and wealth strategist. He helps business owners, particularly medical professional business owners, plug money leaks, become more efficient with the money earned and create the certainty needed to live a big life. He has helped hundreds of business owners around the country saves tens of millions of dollars in taxes and student loan interest. He is married to a beautiful woman and the father of three rambunctious boys. Most people coach you on how to make more money or how to grow your money. Justin focuses on helping you keep the more of the money you already earned.  

Find Justin:

Phone: 801-882-1377

Email: [email protected]

License #767041


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