In today’s episode, I’m speaking with Phil Johnson, founder and CEO of Master of Business Leadership (MBL) and veteran tech executive. Phil overcame adversity as a kid when he was diagnosed with dyslexia when taught himself to learn differently. He has helped organizations generate more than $1.5B by teaching leaders how to improve their emotional intelligence.

Phil shares how leaders can develop Emotional Intelligence, their EQ, and how that is more valuable than IQ, and anyone can develop EQ. 

We discuss the value of leadership understanding and developing their EQ, and why that is important for provider-owners.

You won’t want to miss when he talks about resistance to change and our biological and sociological hardwiring. 

He identifies our 3 primary sources of resistance to change as the following. The first two are biological, and the third is sociological:

Amygdala - don’t leave the safety of the cave. Fight, flight and freeze are at the mercy of fear.
Existing habits - neural network pathways and their internal battle for dominance.
Sociological resistance to change - people around us don’t want us to change for fear of having to change themselves.


Phil Johnson is founder and CEO of Master of Business Leadership (MBL) and veteran tech executive, who overcame adversity as a kid when he was diagnosed with dyslexia. Phil taught himself to learn differently. He has helped organizations generate more than $1.5B by teaching leaders how to improve their emotional intelligence.

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