We’re exploring “Noble Poverty” with Khara Crosswaite Brindle, a therapist and certified financial therapist. Khara specializes in guiding mental health providers to liberate themselves from the confines of noble poverty. 

Our conversation explores the deep connection between noble poverty and its familiar companion: burnout. Khara emphasizes the critical importance of acknowledging that neglecting your own needs can significantly diminish your ability to offer optimal care to patients and clients.

Join us on this journey as we navigate through the landscape of values, boundaries, and the relentless hustle culture, aiming to redefine the narrative around financial well-being for those who dedicate their lives to serving others. 

We discuss:

"Noble Poverty": Explore the intricate mindset many professionals in the healthcare and helping professions experience, grappling with the conflict between meaningful work and discomfort around financial compensation.
Burnout and Self-Care: Recognize the profound connection between noble poverty and burnout, emphasizing the necessity of prioritizing self-care and addressing one's own needs to provide optimal care to patients and clients.
Redefining Financial Well-being: Khara Crosswaite Brindle offers insights and guidance to reassess the relationship with money, navigating values, boundaries, and challenging the hustle culture prevalent among those dedicated to serving others.

So, grab your favorite spot, tune in closely, and prepare to reevaluate your relationship with money alongside Khara Crosswaite Brindle.

Khara’s Bio:

Khara Croswaite Brindle, MA, LPC, ACS, CFT-I is passionate about giving people aha moments that create goosebumps and catalyze powerful action. She is a TEDx Speaker, Licensed Mental Health Therapist, and Financial Therapist in Colorado. Khara enjoys various roles as a serial entrepreneur, author, professional speaker, professor, and consultant. Her greatest joy is engaging driven entrepreneurs, fellow helpers, and perfectionists to move from workaholic to well-balanced with streamlined strategies that fit their busy lifestyles. Khara specializes in helping therapists and financial therapists turn pain points into possibilities through consultation, courses, and supervision. She is originally from the Pacific Northwest and gets her best ideas walking outside and being around water. When Khara’s not writing her next book or supporting fellow professional helpers on their own self-discovery journeys, she enjoys spending time with her daughter, reading, and indulging in gluttonous, gluten-free desserts with her family.

Find Khara:


The Burden of Busyness TEDx talk




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