Welcome to Episode 113 with Olly Wood, Founder of Body Reset, a health and nutrition company dedicated to helping professionals optimize their health and wellbeing.

In our conversation, Olly shares his extensive expertise in health and performance coaching, providing invaluable insights for healthcare practice owners and professionals. Here are some of the highlights:

A Holistic Approach to Well-being: Olly challenges the conventional notion of fitness by emphasizing the importance of focusing on energy rather than traditional gym routines. It's not about "slogging" through workouts but understanding the holistic aspects of health, including gut health, nutrition, exercise, and mindset.
The Crucial Question: Olly introduces a fundamental question that forms the basis of his approach: "Are you doing this 'to' yourself or 'for' yourself?" This question serves as a guiding principle for achieving meaningful and lasting change in one's well-being.
Data-Driven Progress: Discover the significance of data tracking in monitoring holistic progress. Olly encourages listeners to move beyond merely checking the scale and explore comprehensive markers like blood panels, looking for real improvements and overall wellness.
Dispelling Myths: Olly dispels the myth that "calories in, calories out" is the ultimate truth in health. He shares a compelling car analogy, emphasizing the need to not only fuel your body but also provide it with care and maintenance since your body is irreplaceable.
Adding Joy to Life: Olly leaves us with a profound question: "How are you adding joy into your day?" This simple yet impactful query invites us to prioritize the things that truly matter in our lives.

Throughout this episode, Olly emphasizes the importance of listening to your body, which communicates its needs through subtle signals or, at times, with unmistakable urgency. As we conclude, he imparts his parting wisdom, encouraging listeners to break down their goals into micro habits and build a foundation for lasting change.

Join us on this enlightening journey of healthcare practice management and holistic well-being, and let's thrive together with Olly Wood.


Olly Wood is a health expert with a deep background in health and performance coaching for business professionals, as well as gut health, biomechanics, leadership, mindfulness and nutrition. As the Founder of Body Reset, Olly is known for his ability to see the big picture. Instead of simply encouraging high-performers to do “all or nothing”, he’s worked alongside world-leading experts in exercise, nutrition, biochemistry, and coaching to compile and develop a more scientific, sustainable approach to health and performance. 

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