Have you ever considered that your big WHY, the deep connection you have to your values, can also be your North Star in building true wealth? In this episode, Tracy introduces you to Debra Schatzki, a seasoned financial advisor and wealth management strategist. Debra is a visionary who helps make dreams come true through meticulous planning and strategic collaboration.

Debra believes that true wealth goes beyond financial abundance. It's about embracing the two sides of the hand: service and impact on one side, and money on the other. 

During the conversation, Debra shares powerful insights about the importance of having a deep WHY, a purpose that is connected to your core values. She encourages you to ask yourself what legacy you want to leave behind and what you want your grandkids to know about your journey. Get ready to redefine your concept of true wealth as Debra shares her wisdom and guidance. Join Tracy and Debra on this enlightening journey, and learn how to unlock your true wealth potential.

Highlights of our conversation:

True wealth extends beyond financial abundance, encompassing the alignment of your values and aspirations.
BPP Wealth takes a holistic approach to wealth management, focusing on both service/impact and financial aspects.
Asking for what you truly want opens up possibilities and helps you align your goals with your core values.
Health, wealth, and fun are the pillars of a fulfilled life, and they should be considered in wealth-building strategies.
Debra Schatzki's book, "Chaos to Joy," shares inspiring stories of women who found transformation by asking for help, demonstrating the power of vulnerability and courage.

Debra’s Bio:

Debra helps clients fulfill their dreams. Debra Schatzski has been a professional in the wealth management business for more than 30 years. She started while in college working with her mother to create pension plans. In 1997, Debra created Financial Services in a Box, a financial planning model licensed to accounting firms. Simultaneously, she ran those accounting firms’ Financial Services and Investment Advisory divisions. In 2010, Debra founded her own consulting and registered investment advisory company, BPP Wealth Solutions, LLC.

Find Debra:

10% Savings for “Chaos to Joy” book




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