Join us for an inspiring episode of our entrepreneur journey podcast, featuring Heather Wanninger, the founder of Sweet Lemonade Photography. Heather shares her incredible story of entrepreneurship, discussing her struggles, breakthroughs, pivotal moments, and the people who helped her along the way.

In this episode, we'll also explore Heather's love for travel and photography. She shares her favorite moments and an all-time favorite photo. It is cool in the episode how we discover how much the story behind that photo relates to the entrepreneur's journey. 

Heather also shares her insights on starting an entrepreneur journey, revealing what she would do first if she were starting over today. Plus, she shares the secret recipe for her success in building a multi-six-figure business coaching photographers.

Join us for this insightful and inspiring conversation with Heather Wanninger on our entrepreneur journey podcast.

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more interviews with successful entrepreneurs revealing the secrets to their success and providing tips and guidance for you on your journey. Are you a photographer who wants to grow it to a 6 figure business? Or just want to connect with Heather as a fellow entrepreneur on the journey? Reach Out To Heather Here: