Join us for an inspiring conversation with Rani Macinnes, a seasoned entrepreneur and career coach, as she shares her insights on empowering women in midlife to navigate career transitions with humor, heart, and resilience. Rani's fresh perspective and wealth of experience will leave you feeling inspired and ready to embrace your own journey of reinvention.

Rani Macinnes, a seasoned entrepreneur and career coach, brings a fresh perspective to women in midlife at work. Rani's work at Live a Rebel Life focuses on helping women in midlife with career transitions, workplace reentry, and pivots.

Discover how Rani infuses humor and heart into her work with women navigating midlife career changes. Learn about the common challenges women in midlife face when it comes to career transitions and how Rani helps them overcome these challenges.

Hear success stories of women who have made significant career pivots in midlife and the lessons others can learn from their experiences.

Rani shares her insights on the importance of rewriting the story we tell ourselves in midlife to embrace our true potential. 

Special offer for the Entrepreneur Journey audience ~ 15% off of my signature 12 week Rebel Transformation Career program for women in midlife. This offer is valid until April 30th 2024. Please email [email protected] and put ‘Entrepreneur Journey’ in the subject line. You will get $450 off of this transformative program. I am looking forward to meeting you!

Also, learn more about Rani on her website