Key Questions

(01:24) So how did you get to where you are today?

(12:11) So your first six months was that... Were all your events in the same geographical area, or did you move around?

(14:07) So you had mentioned just throwing a dart on the map, picking a place that has food. Is there any other criteria based on the population size?.

(18:36) Do you still do a lot of mailers then, especially with people having like the, I don't want junk in my mailbox and stuff like that?

(23:04) How long do you wait before you retarget the same area again?

(24:37) Now if we flip it over to the businesses that you help, how do you get in front of them? Do you still mailer them?

(29:42) Who is your ideal client in the coaching space?

(33:50) Do you have a geographical restriction or do you work with anybody?

(35:05) How many books have you written?

(36:08) What's the best advice you have ever received?

(41:42) What's the best advice you've ever given?

(45:13) What are some of your big goals in the next year or two?

(48:26) What do you think is your number one roadblock for reaching that goal?

(49:43) We've talked about a bunch of stuff, but is there something that we haven't touched on yet that you would like to?

(52:20) Where can we go to learn more about you and what you do?


Episode Summary: In this episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum, host Virginia Purnell interviews Rylee Meek, the founder and CEO of the Social Dynamic Selling System. Rylee shares his inspiring journey from having just $673 in his bank account to generating over $125 million in sales through his innovative dinner seminar marketing system. Learn how Rylee perfected his model, helping entrepreneurs achieve their revenue goals and live their desired lifestyles.

Key Takeaways:

Rylee's Background: From growing up in South Dakota to discovering entrepreneurship at 15, Rylee's journey is filled with personal development and relentless pursuit of opportunities.The Turning Point: How a small ad on Craigslist led Rylee to discover the concept of social dynamic selling and revolutionize his approach to sales.Social Dynamic Selling System: An in-depth look at how Rylee developed and perfected his dinner seminar marketing system, making it a predictable, sustainable, and scalable selling system.Overcoming Challenges: Rylee shares the challenges he faced, including sleeping on his sister's couch after a failed business venture in Mexico, and how he turned setbacks into comebacks.Direct Mail Marketing: Insights into why direct mail remains a powerful tool for filling events and generating leads, despite the digital age.Success Metrics: Understanding the importance of measuring response rates, show-up rates, appointment rates, and more to optimize marketing efforts.Rylee's Advice: The importance of taking action, learning from feedback, and maintaining a clear vision to achieve entrepreneurial success.Rylee Meek

Instagram and twitter - @theryleemeek

Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336

[email protected]